Nutritional Info
Containing about 18 calories for every 250 g, one cup of Kale provides more than 100% of your daily Vitamins A, C and K value! Kale also excels in the calcium department with 150 mg of calcium per 100 g – milk only has 125 mg. Rich in minerals, such as copper, calcium, sodium, potassium, iron and phosphorus, this is definitely a super food.
Kale, otherwise known as boerenkool, is a vegetable of the plant species Brassica Oleracea and is considered to be closer to wild cabbage than most domesticated forms of vegetables. It is one of the healthiest vegetables around with amazing detoxifying qualities, thus helping to ensure the ultimate in healthy living and eating.
Kale is available all year round and can be grown in almost any climate.
Kale has green or purple ‘rosette’ type leaves and thrives in cooler climates. There are five different types of kale, namely curly-leafed (Scots Kale), plain-leafed, rape kale, leaf kale, spear kale and Dinosaur kale. This vegetable has a somewhat bitter, peppery taste., However, it varies according to different types and preparation methods. For instance, ornamental kale has a mellow flavour while Dinosaur kale has a more Creative Brief delicate, sweeter taste than curly kale.
When choosing kale, pick smaller heads as they will be more tender. You can use fresh, young kale raw in salads, and sauté or cook mature leaves and stalks. Tuscan kale is popular in salads, soups, stews and pastas, while other varieties are also used in recipes with potatoes, beans, meat and poultry.
To store, keep kale refrigerated in an airtight bag or Tupperware. It can typically be stored for up to 5 days, but you may notice that the flavour increases in bitterness with longer storage. Only wash the kale when you are ready to use it, as washing before storage will spoil it.