56.5g brown rice
0.5 Tbsp. (30 ml) Flora Gold
112.5g pork fillet, sliced into strips
0.5 red onion, chopped
62.5g button mushrooms, sliced
0.5 Tbsp. (15 ml) Robertsons sage
1.5 Tbsp. (75 ml) white wine
0.5 tsp. (5 ml) wholegrain mustard
30g cream cheese
Robertsons ground black pepper
Sprinkling of Robertsons paprika, for garnish
Sage leaves, fried in Flora Regular maragrine until crisp, for garnish
112.5g brown rice
1 Tbsp. (30 ml) Flora Gold
225g pork fillet, sliced into strips
0.5 red onion, chopped
125g button mushrooms, sliced
0.5 Tbsp. (15 ml) Robertsons sage
2.5 Tbsp. (75 ml) white wine
0.5 tsp. (5 ml) wholegrain mustard
60g cream cheese
Robertsons ground black pepper
Sprinkling of Robertsons paprika, for garnish
Sage leaves, fried in Flora Regular maragrine until crisp, for garnish
169g brown rice
1.5 Tbsp. (30 ml) Flora Gold
337.5g pork fillet, sliced into strips
1 red onion, chopped
187.5g button mushrooms, sliced
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) Robertsons sage
4 Tbsp. (75 ml) white wine
1 tsp. (5 ml) wholegrain mustard
90g cream cheese
Robertsons ground black pepper
Sprinkling of Robertsons paprika, for garnish
Sage leaves, fried in Flora Regular maragrine until crisp, for garnish
225g brown rice
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) Flora Gold
450g pork fillet, sliced into strips
1 red onion, chopped
250g button mushrooms, sliced
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) Robertsons sage
5 Tbsp. (75 ml) white wine
1 tsp. (5 ml) wholegrain mustard
120g cream cheese
Robertsons ground black pepper
Sprinkling of Robertsons paprika, for garnish
Sage leaves, fried in Flora Regular maragrine until crisp, for garnish
281.5g brown rice
2.5 Tbsp. (30 ml) Flora Gold
562.5g pork fillet, sliced into strips
1.5 red onion, chopped
312.5g button mushrooms, sliced
1.5 Tbsp. (15 ml) Robertsons sage
6.5 Tbsp. (75 ml) white wine
1.5 tsp. (5 ml) wholegrain mustard
150g cream cheese
Robertsons ground black pepper
Sprinkling of Robertsons paprika, for garnish
Sage leaves, fried in Flora Regular maragrine until crisp, for garnish
337.5g brown rice
3 Tbsp. (30 ml) Flora Gold
675g pork fillet, sliced into strips
1.5 red onion, chopped
375g button mushrooms, sliced
1.5 Tbsp. (15 ml) Robertsons sage
7.5 Tbsp. (75 ml) white wine
1.5 tsp. (5 ml) wholegrain mustard
180g cream cheese
Robertsons ground black pepper
Sprinkling of Robertsons paprika, for garnish
Sage leaves, fried in Flora Regular maragrine until crisp, for garnish
394g brown rice
3.5 Tbsp. (30 ml) Flora Gold
787.5g pork fillet, sliced into strips
2 red onion, chopped
437.5g button mushrooms, sliced
2 Tbsp. (15 ml) Robertsons sage
9 Tbsp. (75 ml) white wine
2 tsp. (5 ml) wholegrain mustard
210g cream cheese
Robertsons ground black pepper
Sprinkling of Robertsons paprika, for garnish
Sage leaves, fried in Flora Regular maragrine until crisp, for garnish
450g brown rice
4 Tbsp. (30 ml) Flora Gold
900g pork fillet, sliced into strips
2 red onion, chopped
500g button mushrooms, sliced
2 Tbsp. (15 ml) Robertsons sage
10 Tbsp. (75 ml) white wine
2 tsp. (5 ml) wholegrain mustard
240g cream cheese
Robertsons ground black pepper
Sprinkling of Robertsons paprika, for garnish
Sage leaves, fried in Flora Regular maragrine until crisp, for garnish
506.5g brown rice
4.5 Tbsp. (30 ml) Flora Gold
1 012.5g pork fillet, sliced into strips
2.5 red onion, chopped
562.5g button mushrooms, sliced
2.5 Tbsp. (15 ml) Robertsons sage
11.5 Tbsp. (75 ml) white wine
2.5 tsp. (5 ml) wholegrain mustard
270g cream cheese
Robertsons ground black pepper
Sprinkling of Robertsons paprika, for garnish
Sage leaves, fried in Flora Regular maragrine until crisp, for garnish
562.5g brown rice
5 Tbsp. (30 ml) Flora Gold
1 125g pork fillet, sliced into strips
2.5 red onion, chopped
625g button mushrooms, sliced
2.5 Tbsp. (15 ml) Robertsons sage
12.5 Tbsp. (75 ml) white wine
2.5 tsp. (5 ml) wholegrain mustard
300g cream cheese
Robertsons ground black pepper
Sprinkling of Robertsons paprika, for garnish
Sage leaves, fried in Flora Regular maragrine until crisp, for garnish
619g brown rice
5.5 Tbsp. (30 ml) Flora Gold
1 237.5g pork fillet, sliced into strips
3 red onion, chopped
687.5g button mushrooms, sliced
3 Tbsp. (15 ml) Robertsons sage
14 Tbsp. (75 ml) white wine
3 tsp. (5 ml) wholegrain mustard
330g cream cheese
Robertsons ground black pepper
Sprinkling of Robertsons paprika, for garnish
Sage leaves, fried in Flora Regular maragrine until crisp, for garnish
675g brown rice
6 Tbsp. (30 ml) Flora Gold
1 350g pork fillet, sliced into strips
3 red onion, chopped
750g button mushrooms, sliced
3 Tbsp. (15 ml) Robertsons sage
15 Tbsp. (75 ml) white wine
3 tsp. (5 ml) wholegrain mustard
360g cream cheese
Robertsons ground black pepper
Sprinkling of Robertsons paprika, for garnish
Sage leaves, fried in Flora Regular maragrine until crisp, for garnish